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Idid homework she helped mother sofia read book yesterday. andy saved money for new car teacher didn't give us a homework


1) 1.spends

2.are translating

3.is watering


5.are refusing


3)This morning I get up at a half past six o’clock. It’s still dark. I feel tired. I went to bed at 1 am and did not sleep enough. If a person doesn’t sleep eight hours, it’s unhealthy, I know. But today I take an exam. It starts at 9 am and I have to take a 7-hour bus if I want to arrive on time. I’m going to take a cold shower, to have a big coffee before getting there.

Here I am in the bus. The people around me look tired too; I’m not the only one. But I think about my exam. I don’t like mathematics at all, I find it abstract, and there are too many rules. What’s the sense of all these rules? To tell the truth I don’t understand some of them.

The exam begins in ten minutes. I sit down and have a look at the other students, they are calm, and it seems they know everything. It’s only me who does not know. I’m sure I’ll be the only who will fail this exam, because I have not prepared enough. But I try not to panic.

I have just handed in my paper, the test is over. It has been lasting for three hours. I feel relieved. I answered all the questions. Several of them were difficult, but I answered at random. An average mark will suffice me, I am not ambitious.

I have lunch with Carol. The exam was a disaster for her. She tells me that she remained a lot of questions without answering. We talked about mathematics during the whole meal. I would like to discuss something else with her, but that moment she thought only of that. She was worried and upset.

After lunch, I go to the library. I meet Simon in front of the Mathematics books. He tells me that this exam was really easy, that he had no problem. Simon is modest as always! But it’s true; he’s the best of our group.

And again I am in the bus, I return. The people around me look even more tired than in the morning. They spent the whole day at work. Some people read or text, others listen to the music, others watch the landscape out of the window, others are sleepy. I want to get home, have a good dinner and go to bed in the end.

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