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Как ответить на вопрос when is your birthday

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Ответы на вопрос:

Когда твой день рождения? мой день рождения 5 сентября. when is your birthday? my birthday is on the 5th of september. 1-го on the fir st 2-го on the seco nd 3-го on the thi rd 4-го on the 4 th of december

Примерный план рассказа: people have 4  seasons every year. they are: winter,summer,autumn,spring. in winter it is cold and frosty. children can play snowballs  and make snowwomen in winter. in spring it is warm. boys and girls like to go to walk  in spring or to go to cafe. in summer it is hot. children like to play different games  in summer. in autumn it is rather cold. boys and girls like to go to cafe with their friends. i like summer because it is wery warm season and we have very long weekends  good luck=).

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