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Переведите мое сочинение,: ) "почти все лето я провела в городе. в июне месяце я ездила в москву на концерт популярной поп-группы. больше всего мне понравилось добираться до места. я побывала в вологде,рыбинске,ярославле и в самой москве. погода была дождливая,но даже это не испортило настроение. остальные 2 месяца лета я провела в городе. ходила гулять,завела новых друзей и просто наслаждалась отдыхом. за это лето я искупалась 2 раза. погода была прохладная и полностью насладиться летом не удалось.

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"almost all the summer i spent in the city. in june, i went to moscow for a concert of popular pop group. most of all i liked to get to the place. i have been passages in vologda, rybinsk, yaroslavl and moscow itself. the weather was rainy, but even that did not spoil the mood. the remaining 2 months of the summer i spent in the city. went for a walk, made new friends and simply enjoy your vacation. during this summer i bathed 2 times. the weather was cool and completely unable to enjoy the summer.

His friend drew a nice picture yesterday. did his friend draw a nice picture yesterday? his friend drew a nice picture yesterday, didn't he? did his friend draw a nice picture or watch tv yesterday? who drew a nice picture yesterday? what did his friend do yesterday ?

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