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Преобразуйте предложения из прямой речи в косвенную речь, на языке. 1. она сказала: мы пойдём в кино завтра. 2. она сказала: она сделала уже это . 3. она сказала: они сходили в кино на прошлой неделе. 4. она сказала: они смотрели этот фильм в 7 часов вечера. 5. она сказала: они поедут в лондон в следующие выходные.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. she said that we would go to the cinema the next day. 2.she said she had already done this task. 3. she said they had gone to the cinema the week before. 4. she said they had been watching this film at 7 p.m . 5.she said they would go to london the following weekends

1a: how  long have you been in tokyo ?     b:   i have been here for six days now . 2. a: has he visited any other towns in japan so far ?       b:   no, he hasn't had time yet . 3.  a: have you ever tried sushi?     b:   no, but i will . i have always wanted to taste sushi . 4 a: has she called?     b: no, she hasn't arrived yet. 5. a: have you done the shopping?       b: yes, i have and i have already walked the dog .

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