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Переведите на . a. 1 австралию часто посещают туристы. 2. стол скоро накроют . 3 альпинистов спасли вчера. 4. джона заставляют прочитать лекцию по шотландии. 5 письма были отправлены вчера. в. 1 я видела, как алиса вешала картину в столовой. 2 мы не заметили, что давид ушёл. 3 джон не ожидал, что получит пятёрку по . 4 я хочу, что медсестра измерила рост моего брата.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Australia is often visited by tourists. the table will be laid soon. the climbers were rescued yesterday. john is made to read a lecture on the history of scotland. the letters were sent yesterday. i saw alice hang a picture in the dining-room. we didn't notice david leave. john didn't expect to get an ecellent mark in geograghy. i want the nurse to measure my brother's height.

He was as arrogant as a boss. neither alan nor his little brother was enthusiastic. the night view is as fascinating as poets wrote in their poems. emma was as easy-going girl as her mother. she was as angry and grumpy as the old woman from time to time. i admire as his honesty as his generosity mary is as honourable as a queen neither bananas nor oranges were immature she was determined either to win or to lose. the king was neither a great orator nor an inspiring leader. she became as charming as her elder sister.

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