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Запишите вопросы: 1)mag walked in the 2)the weather was 3)max will ride his bike next 4) mag waters the flowers every what 5) maх liked his scoolter and shared it with me. what did 4) mag waters the flowers every morning. what 5) maх liked his scoolter and shared it with me. what did прошу я скоро уеду а урок не выучен мне надо а то мне сказали 2 ! прошу есть ли у вас

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) а.-who walked in the park? б.- what did mag in the park? )was the weather fine? 3) what will max do the next sunday?   4) how often waters mag the flowers? what does mag every day? 5) what did max with me?

did mag walk in the park

is the weather fine

will max ride hid bike next sunday

does mag water flowers every morning

did he like his scoolter and shre with me

what does mag do every morning

what did max like

Roses in the garden are grown by Gulnara.

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