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//. complex object a) right; b) wrong; 1. the manager asked for the letter to send off at once. 2. 1 rind her a very smart girl. 3. i rely on you do it in time. 4. jack got his dog to bring him his slippers. 5. jane was having her hair to cut when somebody called her. 6. we want you explain this rule to us once more. 7. harry have had his sister type the report. 8. can you help me pack my things? 9. howe you had your luggage register red yet? 10. it's impossible to make my parents to tidy up my room.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.a 2.a написано предложение) 4.a 5.b 6.a 7.- 8.b 9.не howe , а скорее всего have 10.a думаю так, но возможны ошибки, complex object проходил два года назад)

Бұл ыдыстағы қоюға болады that can be put in a vase не поняла

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