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Vocabulary 1. a … sells fruit, vegetables. a. greengrocer c) butcher b. grocer d) backer 2. a … sells sugar, salf. a. greengrocer c) butcher b. grocer d) backer 3. i have just passed … a. custom c) passport control b. costumes d) controller 4. you can book the tickets in the a. customs c) arrival b. departure d) booking– office 5. you turn … the light when you leave the room. a. ap c) on b. down d) off 6. gagarin was the first man in … . a. forest c) space b. airport d) spaceship 7.the traditional russian food is … . a. penkek c) pankeike b. pancake d) penkek 8. eggs of large fishes are … . a. caviar c) pancake b. honey d) sour cream 9. a person who knows much about a science is … . a. explore c) science b. scientific d) scientiste 10. the river … the city into 2 parts. a. set c) curions b. continue d) separates 11. nick has got many cars. he likes to be … them. a. high c) among b. tall d) between 12. that building is … . a. deep c) high b. hide d) save 13. there are 2 boys in the class. there is a girl … them. a. deep c) among b. between d) high 14. this lake is very … . a. hide c) high b. deep d) dip 15. he never goes … in the forest. a. deep c) high b. fresh d) wide 16. there is always … air in the forest. a. fresh c) deep b. high d) wide grammar 1. she … milk now. a. is drinking c) drinking b. drinks d) drink 2. he … at the airport tomorrow. a. arrive c) will arrival b. will arrive d) will arriver 3. he … the passport control yet. a. hasn’t passed c) has passed b. has pass d) have passed 4. she … check in. a. go c) is going to b. custom d) buy the tickets 5. they … the tickets 2 days ago . a. booked c) didn’t booked b. have booked d) has booked 6. paul … tv when his mother … into the room. a. watch … came b. watched …come c) watching … came d) was watching … came 7. she … coffee while he … a newspaper. a. was drinking … was reading b. drinking … reading c) was drinking … read d) drinking …read 8. i like … apples nor oranges. a. neither c) number b. nathe d) name 9. the children were playing chess. a. yesterday b. today c. at 4 o’clock tomorrow d) at 4 o’ clock yesterday 10. a. has you be to london? b. have you been to london? c. have you to london? d. who have you to een? 11. i have already checked in at the airport. a. what did you check ? b. when have you checked in ? c. what have you checked in ? d. where have you checked in ? 12. what is the … of the corridor? a. warmth c) length b. slrength d) long 13. her skirt is too … . a. wideth c) width b. wide d) widethes 14. who came to the airport? a. she came c) she did b. she is d) she

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1.1 словарь 1a 2b 3c 4d 5d 6c 7b 8a 9b 10d 11c 12c 13c 14b 15d 16a 1.2 грамматика 1a 2b 3a 4d 5b 6a 7a 8a 9b 10b 11c 12c 13b 14a

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