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Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся степень сравнения прилагательного. 1) russia is the (large) in the world. 2) the new university building is one of the (high) buildings in moscow. 3) this article is the (difficult) of all the texts we have ever translated. 4) the sun is (large) than the moon. 5) is your sister (old) than you are? 6) february is the (short) month of the year. 7) last year i spent (little) time for french than yesterday. 8) this classroom is (large) than ours. 9) this schoolboy is the (young) in his class. 10) my flat is (large) than yours.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) largest. 2) highest. 3)most difficult. 4) larger. 5) older. 6) shortest. 7) less 8) larger. 9) youngest. 10) larger.

1) russia is the largest  in the world. 2) the new university building is one of the highest buildings in moscow. 3) this article is the most  difficult  of all the texts we have ever translated.  4) the sun is larger  than the moon. 5) is your sister older than you are? 6) february is the shortest month of the year. 7) last year i spent less time for french than yesterday. 8) this classroom is larger than ours. 9) this schoolboy is the youngest in his class. 10) my flat is larger than yours.

Что касается сказа: - это произведение народное - ведется от лица рассказчика - то, что сказано в сказе - реальные события ну или почти реальные - герои сказа-люди обыкновенные - добро не всегда побеждает зло что касается сказки: - произведение о вымышленных лицах и событиях - в сказках есть выдумка - могут участвовать волшебные, фантастические силы - в сказке нет рассказчика - чтобы произошло волшебство нужно заклинание или волшебный предмет

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