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1. употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в past indefinite (simple) и переведите предложе¬ния на язык: образец: if you (to study), you would pass your exam. if you studied, you would pass your exam. – если бы вы занимались, вы бы сдали экзамен. 1) if i (to know) english better, i would read some english books. 2) if i (to know) her well, i would speak to her. 2. употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, в future in-the-past и переведите предложения на язык: образец: if you studied, you (to pass) your exam. if you studied, you would pass your exam.- если бы вы занимались, вы бы сдали экзамен. 1) if i didn't need this book myself, i (to let) you have it. 2) if i carne to moscow, i (to visit) my friends.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)  known если бы я знал лучше я бы читал книги на языке.2) knownесли бы я её хорошо знал, я бы с ней поговорил.1) would letмне не нужна эта книга, она у меня есть.2) would visitесли я приеду в москву, я посещу моих друзей 


a person who goes in for wrestling is a wrestler

a person who goes in for cycling is a cycler

a person who goes in for boxing is a boxer

a person who goes in for skating is a  skater

a person who goes in for running is a runner

a person who goes in for mountaineering is a mountaineer

a person who goes in for skiing is a skier

a person who goes in for racing is a racer

a person who goes in for athletics is an  athlet

a person who goes in for hunting is a hunter

a person who goes in for chess is a  chess player

a person who goes in for draughts is a draughts player

a person who goes in for  volleyball is a volleyball  player

a person who goes in for  basketball is a basketball player


a court - tennis

a course -running, swimming, skiing

a stadium - football, racing

a rink -skating

a track - skiing


beat -beat -beaten

loose -lost-lost

  win -won- won

draw - drew- drawn

1. argentina  beat germany 2-1 last saturday.

2. milan won  the match 3-0

3. the chicago buffs lost  75-91 to celtics

4. spain drew with brazil 2-2.

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