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Друзья ! вас прошу.лучше пишите ответ отдельно по каждому вопросу. 1) the employees agreed … the terms of the pay deal. выберите один ответ: accepted to accept accepts accept 2) at the last moment they decided not … with the negotiations. выберите один ответ: continue continuous to continue continues 3) the management seems moving in the right direction. выберите один ответ: is be being to be 4) the two sides appear … … the problem. выберите один ответ: is solved have been to have solved have solved 5)it is important these changes as quickly as possible. выберите один ответ: to carry out to carry carry out carry 6) our employees and … their skills is one of the prime concerns of management. выберите один ответ: encourage … develop to encourage … to develop encourage … to develop to encourage … develop 7)they are planning … a takeover bid. выберите один ответ: launches to launch launch launched 8) we let them … a 10% discount. выберите один ответ: has have had to have 9) don’t make me … it выберите один ответ: does to do did do 10) i feel it is necessary … more of the work. выберите один ответ: to delegate delegate delegates delegating

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) to accept 2) to continue 3) to be 4) to have solved 5) to carry out 6) to 7) to launch 8) have 9) do 10) to delegate

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