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1)what would you like to buy but don't have enough money? write a wish list of 3-4 things 2)how often do you buy it? 3)how much do you spend on it? 4)how often do you use it? 5)do you really need it? буду !

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)i would like to buy a new dresses, t-shirts,a lot of sweets.

2)i buy new clothers once a month.i buy sweets and chocolate nearly every day.

4)i wear dresses every weekend or on a holiday.i wear t-shirts in school or at home.i eat sweets with tea every evening.

3)i buy only expensive clothers.i prefer to eat different kinds of candies.

5)i really need in chocolate.i like it very mutch.

  1 in spite of his diagnosis jeremy is still playing basketball. - несмотря на свой диагноз, джереми все еще играет в баскетбол.

  2 despite unstable economy our company has increased its income by 12%.- несмотря на нестабильную ситуацию, наша компания увеличила свой доход на 12%.

  3 however many death threats, the singer continues his active social life. - и хотя много угроз смерти, певец продолжает активную общественную жизнь.

  4 although protests of ecologists, many rain forests have been destroyed. - несмотря на протесты экологов, были уничтожены многие тропические леса.

  "also, too, either, neither"

  1.first fred worked in an office, and later he worked in a shop. neither job was very interesting. сначала фред работал в офисе, потом он работал в магазине. ни одна из работ не была весьма интересной.

  2. there are two ways from here to the station; you can take either of them. отсюда до станции два пути; вы можете воспользоваться любым из них.

  3. did you buy any clothes? - yes, and i also bought a few books. ты купил одежду? - да,   я также купил несколько книг.

  4. does jill want to visit you? - yes, and andy wants to come too. джил хочет посетить вас? - да, энди тоже хочет приехать.

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