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Выбрать правильный вариант и написать, что это причастие 1, причастие 2 или герундий. 1. we saw a boy in the park…on his head. a)stand b) standing c)stood 2. this book is worth… a) to read b) read c)reading 3.he is fond of… a)dancing b)danced c)to dance 4. speaking is easier than… a)do b) done c)doing 5. … in public places is forbidden. a) smoking b)smoke c)smoked 6. … is popular form of keeping one’s body fit. a) swim b)swum c )swimming 7. the picture … by this boy is beautiful. a) painting b)painted c)paint 8. you can get the book … by our teacher in the library. a) recommended b)recommending c) recommend

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.b) standing  причастие 1

Cucumber tomato juice in your mouth uhhjjh

Популярно: Английский язык