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Выберите правильный ответ read the sentences below. for each sentence (1-10), mark one letter (a, b, c or d). 1. i will fly to new york next week unless i …………… a ticket. a. will not buy b. buy c. do not buy d. will buy 2. i know i ……………. but i did not feel like doing that. a. must have helped her b. could have helped her c. should help her d. ought have helped her 3. only a few people were at my lecture last friday. if only the students …………………….. earlier. a. had informed b. was informed c. had been informed d. would have been informed 4. when i was a boy i was used to ……………………… . a. telling not to tease animals b. tell not to tease animals c. being told not to tease animals d. be told not to tease animals 5. he has written four novels since he ………………. in america. a. has arrived b. have arrived c. had arrived d. arrived 6. if i had worked hard when i was young i ………………… rich now. a. would have been b. am c. will not be d. would be 7. the dinner …………………. at the moment. a. is being prepared b. is prepared c. is preparing d. preparing 8. by the time he is twenty-five he ………….. all the money his mother left him. a. spends b. spending c. has spent d. will have spent 9. there’s somebody behind us. i think we …………….. a. are followed b. are being followed c. have been followed d. were followed 10. i ……………… a meal last night because we went out and the food was uneaten. a. needn’t have cooked b. didn’t have to cook c. mustn’t cook d. didn’t need to cook

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