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Напишите слова cat class roof fork leaf lemon beach cup girl shirt nose peach boy desk potato pen bus box во множественном числе. колонки /s/ /iz/ /z/

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Ответы на вопрос:

Cat-cats class-classes roof-roof fork-forks leaf-leafs lemon-lemons beach-beaches girl-girls shirt-shirts nose-noses peach-peaches boy-boys desk-desks potato-potatoes pen-pens bus-buses box-boxes

Did he have to wait for 15 minutes  or for 20 minutes before we came? will his son be in the sixth form next year? how shall we work next year? when did your brother join the air? whose photos was i looking while you were out? he hasn`t done any work today, has he? does he smoke a pipe after supper? what tie did he see in the shop window? what was the porter hardly able to carry?

Популярно: Английский язык