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Раскройте скобки, поставьте глаголы в past indefinite, present perfect, present indefinite, present continuous. 1. cliff have) six lessons every day. 2. what linda and do) in the night club now? 3. whose learn) french? 4. how many times a week (to do) her morning exercises? 5. why to cook) chicken for the picnic yet? 6. where she travel)? 7. play) the guitar in the next room now? 8. the begin) at 10 o' clock yesterday. 9. we listen) to classical music.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. - has, 2. - what are linda and charles doing ? 3. - learn, 4. - how many times a week does she do her morning exercises? 5. - why haven't you cooked chicken ? 6. - where does she usually travel? 7. - who is playing the guitar ? 8. - began, 9. - we have just listened to classical music.

Входе северной войны россия получила выход к морю. там был основан первый в россии город, построенный по европейским канонам. в него была перенесена столица, так как этот город был ближе к европе и производил лучшее впечатление на иностранцев. также петру i требовалась столица на морском побережье — «чтобы гости из других стран могли приплывать к царю по морю, а не преодолевать опасную дорогу до москвы». перенос состоялся до формального присоединения земель к россии по ништадтскому договору, таким образом, столица размещалась на территории, формально принадлежащей другому государству.формального указа, сообразно которому столицей стал санкт-петербург, не было. during the northern war, russia gained access to the baltic sea. there was founded the first russian city built by the european standards. it was moved to the capital, as the city was closer to europe and make a better impression on foreigners. peter i also needed capital on the coast - "to visitors from other countries could sail to the king of the sea, and not overcome a dangerous way to moscow." the transfer took place before the formal accession to the land of russia nystadt contract, so the capital was located in the territory, formally belonging to another gosudarstvu.formalnogo decree, according to which the capital was st. petersburg, was not.

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