03.06.2023 07:42
Есть ответ 👍

Фотоэлектроны, вылетающие из металлической пластинки, полностью тормозятся электрическим полем напряжением 0,8 в. определить скорость электрона .

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M*v^2/2=q*u v=sqrt(2*q*u/m)=sqrt(2*1,6*10^-19/9,1*10^-31)=5,3*10^5 м/с
4,7(38 оценок)

It turned out that my first day at school was the best day in my life. on the first day of school, i had a birthday. everyone congratulated me and i was pleased. laura's best friend gave me a postcard and a chocolate bar. we had 5 lessons history, russian, physics, english and physical education. and english is my favorite lesson. after the school, a friend came to see me and we walked all evening.

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