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10 предложений с do, 10 c dont, 10 с does и 10 с dosnt.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Do 1 do you work hard? 2 do you play tennis? 3 do you know the answer? 4 do you do exercises every morning? 5 do your friends speak english? 6 do you wath to be famous? 7 do you live   in london? 8 do you have   lunch? 9 do you go to work by bus? 10 do you watch tv every day? dont 1 i dont play piano every well. 2 you dont know the answer. 3  we dont work very hard. 4 they djnt do the same thing every day. 5 i dont understand. 6  they dont know. 7 they dont  speak english. 8  i dont like classical music. 9 i dont like horror film. 10 i dontlike boxing does  1 does ann play tennis? 2 does your father smoke? 3 does your sister do? 4 does she smoke? 5 does she work? 6 does she do? 7 does he play the guitar? 8 does he like? 9 does your sister   live in london? 10 dose chris usually like music? doesnt 1 she doesnt drink coffee. 2 rice doesnt know many   people in this town. 3 she speak   italian  4 he doesnt like tennis  5 my   car   doesnt   use   much petrol 6   jack   doesnt   play   the piano very well 7 she doesnt know the answer 8   she doesnt love him 9   he doesnt live in rome 10   carol doeant like dogs

  john solves all the problems by conservation to avoid coflicts

Популярно: Английский язык