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Степень сравления 1. he was the (amusing) lad you ever met. 2. he's a far (intelligent) person than my brother. 3.she was the (practical) of the f amily. 4. when they told me i was cured and could go, i can tell you i was (afraid) than glad. 5.1 wanted to ask you both what you thought of my (late) films if you saw them. 6. he is (tauiatiue) than his sister. he won't tire you so much. 7. he turned out to be (angry) than i had expected. 8. today i’m no (wise) than yesterday. 9. this wine is the (good) i ever tasted. 10. jack is the (clever) of the three brothers. 11.1 don’t think it matters in the (little) which seat i choose. 12. he felt (bad) yesterday than the day before. 13. the (near) house is three miles away. 14.of the two evils let us choose the (little). 15. he was the (late) man to come. 16. she waited until her silence became the (noticeable) thing in the room. 17. the (near) item on the program is a piano sonata. 18. he is the (tall) of the two. 19. she is (amusing) in a small company. 20. unde nick was the (old) son of the family.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1most  amusing 2 more  intelligent 3 most  practical 4 more afraid 5 latest 6 more  tauiatiue что это) 7 angrier 8 wiser 9 best 10 cleverest 11 least 12 worse 13 nearest 14 least 15 latest 16 most  noticeable 17 nearest 18 tallest 19 more  amusing 20 oldest

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