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Решить тест use the correct form of complex object. 1. я хочу, чтобы она пришла. a )i want her to come. b ) i want her come. c) i want she to come. 2. мы видели, как они танцуют. a )we saw they dance. b )we saw them dance. с)we saw them to dance. 3. меня заставили мыть посуду. a )i was allowed to wash up. b )me was made to wash up. c )i was made to wash up. 4. разреши ей сходить в кино. a )let her to go to the cinema. b )let her go to the cinema. c )make her go to the cinema. 5.она бы хотела, чтобы ее сын посетил лондон. a )she would like her son to visit london. b )she would like her son visit london. c) she would like her son that he to visit london. билет№ 4 выбери правильный вариант ответа . passive voice (пассивный залог) 1.rice … in england. a )is not grown b) does not grown c) is not grow 2.america … in 1492? a) was discovered b) was … discovered c) is … discovered 3.a lot of houses … in the city every year. a )is built b) are built c) were built 4.our car … last week. a) were bought b) is bought c) was bought 5.that new film … two days ago. a) was watched b) was watch c) is watched

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 - a, 2 - b, 3 - c, 4 -   b, 5 - a

1 - a, 2 - b, 3 - b, 4 - c, 5 - a

вставить глаголл to be в present simple

1 1   i a pupil 2 my a teacher 3 my father is an engineer 4 my sister a student 5 my brother a student, too. - это утвердительные предложения

1 you a pupil? 2 your mother a teacher? 3 your sister a student? 4   your father an engineer? 5 your brother a pupil? - вопросительные предложения

  ответы к утвердительным 1 am 2 is 3 is 4 is 5 is к отрицательным 1 are 2 is 3 is 4 is 5 is

  . 2 переведите на . яз. 1 я ученик 2 моя сестра студентка . 3 мой брат тоже студент 4 моя мама доктор 6 мой папа рабочий

. 3 переведите на язык i go to school every day. 2 i have got a lot of friends 3 we have got a pet может быть так? предлагаю такое решение

Популярно: Английский язык