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Переведите на . 1. зная язык хорошо, он может переводить газетные статьи без словаря. 2. когда я вошел в комнату, я отдал письмо женщине, сидевшей у окна. 3. девушка, певшая первую песню, теперь танцевала. 4. восходящее солнце было закрыто тучами. 5. они смотрели на летевший самолет. 6. я поднял письмо, лежавшее на полу. 7. идя домой (когда я шел домой), я встретил брата. 8. будучи в самаре, я несколько раз навестил своего друга. 9. приехав на вокзал, я позвал носильщика. 10. имея много времени, мы решили пойти на вокзал пешком. 11. прожив в москве много лет, он знал этот город хорошо. 12. собрав весь материал, он смог написать подробный отчет (afullreport). 13. большое здание, строящееся на улице, новая школа. 14. будучи умной, она предпочла промолчать. 15. когда его спросили (будучи спрошенным) о планах на лето, он ничего не хотел рассказывать. 16. разбитая чашка лежала на полу. 17. так как письмо было послано по неверному адресу, оно не дошло до него. 18. книги, взятые в библиотеке, должны быть возвращены на следующей неделе. 19. ответ, полученный от тома, удивил нас. 20. цветы, подаренные накануне, стояли в красивой вазе.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.knowing english well, it can  translate newspaper articles without dictionary, 2.when i entered the room, i gave the letter to the woman sitting at a window. 3.the girl singing the first song danced now. 4. the rising sun was closed by clouds. 5. they looked at the flying plane. 6. i lifted the letter lying on a floor. 7. going home (when i went home), i met the brother. 8. being in samara, i several times visited the friend. 9. having arrived to the station, i called the porter. 10. having a lot of time, we decided to go to the station on foot. 11. having lived in moscow many years, he knew this city very well. 12. having collected all material, he could write a detailed report (afullreport). 13. the big building which is under construction on the street, new school. 14. being clever, she preferred to keep silent. 15. when it was asked (being asked) about plans for summer, he wanted to tell nothing. 16. the broken cup lay on a floor. 17. as the letter was sent to the incorrect address, it didn't reach it. 18. the books taken in library have to be returned next week. 19. the answer received from thomas very much surprised us. 20. the flowers presented the day before stood in a beautiful vase.

1) who has the right to receive assistance? 2) where is much attention paid to schooling and vocational training? 3) the better the schooling and vocational training is the better the chances in jobs and life, isn't it? 4) where can disabled children receive the assistance required for their optimum development? 5) are there institutions for the mentally, behaviorally , physically disabled, those with speech and learning disabilities, for the deaf, blind and persons with impaired vision? 6) these schools consist of half-day and day schools and some with residential facilities, don't they? 7) what field do disabled persons often have to overcome particular difficulties in? 8) the choice of vocation isn't of importance, is it? 9) do the labour offices provide special vocational advisors for disabled persons? 10) whom is the work of vocational advisors supported by? 11) who can help in finding a suitable training course for disabled persons? 12) what is the main task of vocational training? 13) is integration in working life a substantial part of integration into community life as a whole? 14) what do vocational rehabilitation centres provide?

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