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Времена: choose the correct answer. only one is correct. 1) look! the weather (changе). take your umbrella. 2) he is (tall) than his brother. 3) peter is absent. (be) ill for a week. 4) august is ) month of the year. 5) when ee gon to the stadium the mach (start) 6)i have mistakes in my dictation. 7) have you got records at home? 8) how long has she stayed with your family? by the end of the month she. 9) i shall tell you about it when i (have) time. 10) it often ) in winter. 11)there is milk in the bottle.

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Ответы на вопрос:

The weather changes. he is taller than his brother. he was ill for a week. august is the hottest month of the year. when he gone to the stadium the mach was already starting. i have some mistakes in my dictation. have you got any english records at home? i shall tell you it when i have time. it often snow in winter. there is a milk in the bottle.

to take pictures/photos of ancient churches

go sightseeing

to admire famous cathedrals

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