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Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be в present past или future simple: 1. i tired. i want to go bed. 2. this student russian or english? 3. they not at the conference yersteday. 4. if i don't go now, i late for the film. 5. she very nice 20 years ago. 6. where you? - it's time to have lunch. 7. the weather nice today. 8. my brother and i good tennis players. 9. your job interesting? 10. we at the cinema yesterday. 11. his friend at english when he studied at school.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i am tired. i want to go to bed. 2. is this student russian or english? 3. they were not at the conference yesterday. 4. if i don't go now, i will be late for the film. 5. she was very nice 20 years ago. 6. where are you? it's time to have lunch. 7. the weater is nice today. 8. my brother and i are good tennis players. 9. is your job interesting? 10. we were at the cinema yesterday. 11. his friend was at english when he studied at school.

Перевод: 1) что ты любишь делать? 2) в чем ты хорош(а)? 3) что ты находишь в этом тяжелым а что простым? почему? 4) каким спортом занимаешься? 5) чем занимаешься в свободное время? 6) чем хотел(п) бы заняться?

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