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Расскажите как образуется время past continuos. свой пример.

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Ответы на вопрос:

П+ was/were + v ing was - i, he, she, it were- you, we, they маркеры время past continues - yesterday, still etc. примеры: she was cleaning her room at this time. she wasn't cleaning her room at this time. was she cleaning her room at this time?

Past cont. образование - подлежащее+  was/were + verb (глагол)  ing + i, he, she, it was working.     you, we, they were working.   - i, he, she, it wasn’t working.   you, we, they weren’t working.   ? was i, he, she, it working?     were you, we, they working?     обстоятельства времени: yesterday from 5 till 6 o’clock

You are going to the concert

Are you going to the concert?

You aren't going to the concert

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