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№12 1. составь из слов предложение и запиши его, подчеркни подлежащее и сказуемое. скажи, какой частью речи является каждое слово. - in, london, they, going, are, visit, to, march 2. перепиши предложения, раскрывая скобки.  1 … (buy) a very good book last tuesday.  we … (go) on a tramp last sunday.  our football team … (win) many games last year.  you … (invite) your cousin to stay with you next summer?  where … (be) barry? - he … (play) chess with his friend 3. топик « my day off»(буквально 5-6 предложений)народ вы моя последняя

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Топик i go to school five days a week, so i have two days off — saturday and sunday. during the week i am very busy, so i like to have a rest on weekend. i enjoy staying in bed, when i don't have to hurry anywhere. i have breakfast at 10 and watch tv. if the weather is fine, i usually do not stay indoors. my friends and i go to the park. if the weather is rainy, i stay at home and watch tv, listen to the music, read books. sometimes i do something special on weekends: go to an art exhibition, to the theatre, to the concert. i like weekends very much, because i can rest.  1. составь из слов предложение и запиши его, подчеркни подлежащее и сказуемое. скажи, какой частью речи является каждое слово. - in- предлог , london - существит , they - местоимение , going - глагол , are, - глагол to  visit, -   инфинитив march - существит they are going to visit london in march they - подлежащее are going - сказуемое 2. перепиши предложения, раскрывая скобки.  i bought a very good book last tuesday.  we went on a tramp last sunday.  our football team won  many games last year.  will you    invite  your cousin to stay with you next summer?  where is   barry? - he is  playing chess with his friend

1they(подлежащее) are going to visit(сказуемое.) london in march they noun,are going  verb,to preposition,visit verb,london noun,in preposition,march noun   1 …i bought   (buy) a very good book last tuesday.·  we …went   (go) on a tramp last sunday.·  our football team …won   (win) many·  games   last year.  will you   (invite) your cousin to stay with you next summer? ·  where is … (be) barry? - he …is playing   (play) chess with his friend·  

1- in

2- for

3- of (you?)

4- with a

5- on

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