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Даны слова: to carry, to cuy (x2), to dry, to mix (x2), to take, to use (x3), to work up, to recycle. a produsing paper starts in a tree. every fifth tree in the world is used(используется) to make paper. b the wood (рубится) into small pieces. c the wood chips (смешиваются) with water to produce a pulp) d used paper (забирается) from recycling centres. then it отвозится) to peper factories. e the used paper ( обрабатывается) and смешивается) with the wood pulp. f chemicals ) to make the pulp white. then the pulp ) to form a huge roll of paper. large rolls of paper ) into smaller ones. large rolls ) for newspapers, smaller rolls for books and magazines. g less than a half of all paper ). we can recycle more. : more than a third of all paper is recycle. how does it happen? fill in the gaps with the verb from the box in the passive form. present simple passive wood is cut into pieces. вставте слова

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Ответы на вопрос:

a   уже готово, только слово producing пишется через букву "с"

b- is cut

c- are mixed

d - is is

e - is worked up and mixed

f - are is dried to large are used for

g - is recycled


1) are we - 2) likes have got - are 3) ducks the likes 4) has got the likes 5)cakes they

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