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Нужно исправить предложения используя модальные глаголы: 1) his coat is here. he must have be in his office now. 2)the film was interesting . you should come. why didn't you? 3)he is so late! what can have happen to him? 4)jane was absent yesterday,she might have be ill. 5)they have been working hard, so now they must been tired. 6)you can be do what you like. 7)he had hurt his hand and couldn't writing very well. 8)at the english lesson you must speaking only english. 9)i'm sorry. i shouldn't said that. 10)the girls were in their room, i could be hear them talking there.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) his coat is here. he must be in his office now. 2) the film was interesting . you should have come. why didn't you? 3) he is so late! what can have happened to him? 4) jane was absent yesterday,she might have been ill. 5) they have been working hard, so now they must be tired. 6) you can do what you like. 7) he had hurt his hand and couldn't write very well. 8) at the english lesson you must speak only english. 9) i'm sorry. i shouldn't have said that. 10) the girls were in their room, i could hear them talking there.

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