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Вы получили письмо от своего друга тома. напишите ему письмо и ответь те на его 3 вопроса объём письма 80-100 слов you know that we've recently moved to a new city and now i have to go to a new school. i must say that in general i like it. however, there are a few things that i am not happy with. i have to wear a horrible uniform with the most terrible tie. of course, i can't feel free and relaxed. what's more, some classmates aren't very nice and are bullying (издеваться) me. have you ever had to change schools and how easy was it for you to get used to the new place and people? was it difficult for you to make friends? what do you think about school uniform?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.for me it is   so easy to get use to the new palce.i like something new.at first you have to find friends, who can help you in bad time, for example when hooligans annoy you.and one thing which you have to know that if you are yourself and frienship never never nobody cannot disturb to you. 2.    no, wasn't.as i said if you are frienship, friends will come yourself. 3.the school uniform isn't so bad.but if you don't like disine of it, change it.be yourself and create something new that anothers could admire you.

                                    последний грабёж бориса.       был в мире маленький борис, любил красть конфетки. однажды он хотел украсть у кота конфетку, он думал это легко.   он подкрался к коту, кот начал шипеть.он уже протянул руку,вот вот уже он почти взял, но вдруг кот ему сделал царапину, и он заплакал. борис теперь боялся кота, и не когда не крал.

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