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1: using the prompts, write a sentence in either the first or the second conditional. 1. are you coming to town whith me this afternoon? - perhaps. if i \ finish \ decorating the living room, i \ come\ with you. 2. i haven`t got any money. if i \ have \ some money, i \ buy \ you a drink. 3. i`ve lost my address book. - if, i \ find it, i \ bring it to you. 4. i`ve got so mach work to do! - i`m sorry. i have a lot of work, too. if i \ have \ more time, i \ help \ you. 5. i`m a teacher. if i \ be \ the minister for education, i \ spend \ more money on schools. 2 вставте правельный вариант ответа: 1. he has just left __ that he will return in an hour/ a. having said b. being said c. saying 2. she asked me a. did i go last night b. i go last night с. i went last night 3. would you __ opening the window? a. have b. mind c. please 4 do you go __ to college tomorrow? a. must d. have to c. will 5. my grandparents were wery poor. i don`t know how they managed to bring six children. a. up b. in c. to

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Ответы на вопрос:

Exercise 1 1. if i finish decorating the living room, i will come with you 2. if i had some money, i would buy you a drink. 3. if i find it, i will bring it to you. 4. if i had more time, i would help you. 5. if i waas the minister of education, i would spend more money on schools. exercise 2. 1. a 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. a

Этим летом я буду отдыхать дома. Я буду играть и веселиться с сестрой и братом. Я собираюсь поиграть в компьютерные игры, если будет дождливая погода. Я собираюсь прочитать несколько книг, которые нам сказали читать летом в школе. Я собираюсь пойти в парк с семьей. Летом тоже буду кататься на байке. Летом поеду с семьей на море или на озеро. Надеюсь, мои летние каникулы будут захватывающими!

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