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Перевести на . 1. — официальный язык во многих странах мира. 2. язык используется везде: в бизнесе, науке, медицине. 3. в языке много слов, которые были заимствованы из языка, например: сода, теннис, аэропорт и другие. 4. некоторые люди думают, что использование языка является опасным для чистоты родного языка. 5. если вы пользуетесь лингафонным кабинетом и другими средствами обучения, вы будете говорить бегло. 6. несмотря на мою занятость, я посещаю лингвистические курсы два раза в не делю

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English is the official language in many countries. it is used everywhere: business,science. medicine. we have a lot of words that were borrowed from the english language, for example: soda, tennis, airport and others. some people think that the use of english words is dangerous for the purity of   native language.          if you use a language laboratory and other means of education you will speak english fluently. despite my busyness   i go to linguistic courses twice a week

1. the us situated in central north america.

2. it is washed by the pacific ocean, atlantic ocean, the carribian sea and the gulf of mexico.

3. the us has almost every kind of weather.

4.  the us  has many kinds of land — rocky coasts, dry empty deserts, big rivers, wide plains and grasslands, lakes of all sizes, high mountains, great forests, sunny beaches, lands of endless winter.

5. the population of the country is more than 250 million.

6.the grand canyon, yosemite valley, and yellowstone are among the most famous places to enjoy the beauty and power of wild america.

7. the mighty rivers of america are mississippi, colorado and missouri.

8.a big mountain chains are the appalachians and the rocky mountains

9. the grand canyon attracts people because it is very big and  beautiful with  different kinds of plants and animals on opposite sides of the canyon. it looks different at different times of day and in the winter it is covered with snow.

10. people say that the us is a young country because it’s only been independent for around three hundred years.

11. i think that the u.s. isa "melting pot" because many different social groups from different religious, ethnic, racial and cultural backgrounds have chosen to live here.



Популярно: Английский язык