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5вопросов к тексту i letter from london hi! i'm on holiday in london. i (am staying) with my friend, jane. she (lives) in the centre of london, near hyde park. i (have been) here since saturday and i (have already done) lots of things. i have visited) the tower of london, the british museum and madam tussaud's. i (went) to madam tussaud's on monday. it (was) terrible. when i (entered) the chamber of horrors, i (screamed). yesterday jane and i (went) shopping. i (wanted) to buy some souvenirs. but while i (was paying) for a t-shirt, someone (stole) my bag. luckily, i (had already spent) nearly all my money. there (are) a lot of things i (have not done) yet. i (haven't been) on a boat trip down the thames yet, i (haven't seen) the millennium dome. if the weather (is) fine tomorrow, i (will go) on a boat trip. i hope jane (will be able to) keep me company. i (like) london very much. i (have never seen) such a beautiful city. you (must) visit it some day.

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Does you be in london?

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