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Baby elephant and his new clothes part 2 (come) to mrs tiger's shop. there (be) a lot of t-shirts and shorts there. "good morning, mrs tiger," (say) father elephant. "good morning, mr elephant! " (say) mrs tiger. "have you got a t-shirt and shorts for my baby elephant? " (ask) father elephant. "we have very small t-shirts and shorts. but wait a little, and my little tigers will make him a nice big t-shirt and shorts," (answer) mrs tiger. the little tigers (make) a nice new blue t-shirt and white shorts for baby elephant. then father elephant (put) them on baby elephant. baby elephant (be) very happy, and he (say), "i like my new yellow socks, blue t-shirt and white shorts and i thank you, dad! now i can play football and 1 will play very well" по тексту: 21. complete the sentences. 1) baby elephant asked his father, "buy me please." a) a new cap b) a new shirt c) a new t-shirt 2) they went to shop. a) mrs lion's b) mrs monkey's c) mrs tiger's 3) the little tigers made a t-shirt and shorts for baby elephant. a) green b) blue c) brown 4) when baby elephant saw his new t-shirt and shorts, he was a) sad b) happy c) angry 22. make up questions. answer them. 1) baby elephant, did, live, where? 2) did, what, buy, father elephant? 3) did, buy, socks, new, where, baby elephant? 4) baby elephant, did, his, like, t-shirt, new? 23. tell baby elephant what clothes he may put on - for playing tennis in summer. - for autumn walks in the forest. - for playing snowballs in a russian winter. example: you may put on , первого сделаю лучшим!

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Ответы на вопрос:

21) * не вказано       * c) mrs tiger's         * b) blue          *b) happy22) *where did baby elephant live? - не вказано      *what did father elephant buy? - father elephant bought yellow socks, a blue t-shirt and white shorts.   *where did baby elephant buy new socks? - baby elephant bought new socks in tiger`s shop.      * did baby elephant like his new t-shirt? - yes, he was.23) * you may put on white shorts, a white cap and a white t-shirt      * you may put on jeans, a sweater, a coat and a pair of trainers.      *  you may put on a warm jumper, trousers,a hat and a pair of boots

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