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Заполните пропуски артиклемa/an или the где необходимо. 1.would you like to go to park that i showed you? 2.this is very good car. 3.my friends all have girlfriends. 4. i need to buy some sugar. 5.robert is tall. house that i live in is very small. 7.we don't have any children, but we have cat. 8.this is really nice surprise! 9.i am engineer. 10.my brother is very hungry. заранее )

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.would you like to go to _the__ park that i showed you?   2.this is _a__ very good car.  3.my friends all have girlfriends. 4. i need to buy some sugar.  5.robert is tall.  house that i live in is very small.  7.we don't have any children, but we have _a__ cat.  8.this is __a_ really nice surprise! 9.i am _an__ engineer.  10.my brother is   very hungry.

1. the 2. a 3. - 4. - 5. - 6. the 7. a 8. - 9. an 10. -

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