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Решите, , ! нужно! the sum of ages of tom and elizabeth is 49. tim is twice as old as elizabeth was when tom was as old as elizabeth is now. how old are they?

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We have two moments of history here: "now" and "then" (at particular moment in the past). let's mark as the following: t - tom's age now e - elizabeth's age now to -  tom's age then eo - elizabeth's age then so we have: t - e  =    to - eo (their difference is constant)   (1) t + e = 49                                                         (2) t = 2eo                                                             (3) to = e                                                               (4) using (4) into (1):   t - e  =    e - eo    then using (3) here: 2eo - e  =    e - eo    2eo +  eo =    e + e 3eo =   2e e = 3/2 eo                                                         (5) using (5) and (3) into (2): t + e = 49 2eo + 3/2eo =  49    3 1/2eo =  49 7/2eo =  49 eo = 49 : 7/2 eo = 14 so, elizabeth was 14. it means now tom is 2*14=28. elizabeth now is 49 - 28 = 21 answer:   elizabeth is 21,  tom is 28

We are all different, and some people prefer to live in a noisy metropolis, where life is constantly boiling and bubbling, and someone more like a quiet, quiet village. undoubted advantages are in both options, and only you decide what is best for you personally. some townspeople are eager to move to the village, and some villagers are sleeping and see how to move to the city. перевод все мы разные, и кто-то предпочитает жить в шумном мегаполисе, где постоянно кипит и бурлит жизнь, а кому-то больше по душе тихая, спокойная деревня. несомненные достоинства есть у обоих вариантов, и только  вам решать, что лучше подойдёт лично вам. некоторые горожане горят желанием перебраться в село, а некоторые деревенские жители спят и видят, как бы переехать в город.

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