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Test № 2 (a) i. choose the right form of the verb: present simple, past simple or future simple (выберете правильную форму глагола: простое настоящее, прошедшее или будущее время) 1.i usually… my granny on saturday. a) visits b) visited c) visit d) will visit 2.there … 30 pupils in our class last year. a) were b) was c) are d) is 3. i can… english very well. a) spoke b) speaks c) speak d) will speak 4. …they go to the zoo with us next week? a) shall b) will c) do d) did 5. i… to my friend’s place yesterday. a) goed b) went c) goes d) will go 6. he will not… his holidays in america. a) spent b) spended c) spends d) spend 7. my pencil…on the table yesterday. my mother… it in the box. a) was not, put b) are not, put c) were not, put d) was not, puts 8. do you like… to school? yes, i… a) to go, did b) go, do c) to go, do d) to go, don’t 9. we … how to use computers at i.t. lessons. a) learn b) learnt c) learned d) learns 10. she … about her brother tomorrow. a) speak b) will speak c) speaks d) spoke test № 2 (b) i. choose the right form of the verb: present simple, past simple or future simple (выберете правильную форму глагола: простое настоящее, прошедшее или будущее время) 1.where…your parents last week? a) are b) did c) were d) was 2. nick…to school every day. a) goes b) went c) go d) will go 3. jane …not…bread and milk tomorrow. a) did…buy b) will…buy c) does…buy d) do…buy 4. i usually…my mother and father in the evening. a) helped b) helps c) help d)will help 5. my friend…at school last week. a) weren’t b)didn’t be c) isn’t d) wasn’t 6. when…your father…the day after tomorrow? a) will…get up b) did…get up c) does…get up d) do…get up 7. my balls… in the box yesterday. my brother…them. a) aren’t, taked b) weren’t, took c) wasn’t, took d) isn’t, taked 8. who…up in your family? i… a) wash, will b) will wash, does c) washes, did d) washes, do 9. they…to the zoo next week. a) goes b) will go c) go d) went 10. there… a bookshelf with books in my room. a) arte b) is c) were d) will be

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1) c 2)a 3)c 4)b 5)b 6)c pomoemu 7) a 8)b 9)b 10) b 1.d 2)a 3)b 4)c 5)d pomoemu 6)a 7)b 8)d 9)b 10)a

1)почему том решил уехать из города? 2)почему у джона были красные глаза? 3)куда мальчики решили поехать? 4)какие у неё были предположения насчёт её новой жизни 5)что думают мальчики на счёт этой ночи? 6)ты когда нибудь играла в пиратов 7)что может случиться в городе утром?

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