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Нужен ! заранее)) mr. and mrs. brown were going abroad for their holiday . they had a dog called blackie which they were very fond of , but they could not take him abroad with them, so they looked for a good place to leave him while they were away, and at last found a place which looked after dogs very well while their owners were away. they took blackie there just before they left for their holiday, and sadly said goodbye to him. at the end of their holiday , they got back to england very late at night, and as they thought that the place where blackie was staying might be closed at the late hour , they decided to wait until the next morning before going to get him. so the next morning mr, brown got into his car and drove off happily to collect blackie. when he reached home with the dog, he said to his wife , ? do you know, dear, i don't think blackie can have enjoyed his stay at that place very much. he barked all the way home in the car as if he wanted to tell me something." mrs. brown looked at the dog carefully and then answered, "you are quite right, dear. he was certainly trying to tell you something he wasn't trying lo tell you that he hadn't enjoyed his stay at that place . he was only trying to tell you that you were bringing the wrong dog hornet this isn't blackie! ?

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Мистер и миссис браун ездили заграницу на каникулах. у нихесть собака чернушка, которую они сильно любят, но они не могли взять её с собой заграницу, поэтому они искали хорошее место,чтобыоставить собаку, пока они будут в отъезде, и наконец, нашли место,гдеза собаками хорошо смотрели, пока их хозяев не было.они туда чернушку как раз перед тем, как уехать на каникулы, и грустно с ним попрощались. в конце кникул они вернулись в поздней ночью и решили, что приют чернушки не работает в столь пощдний час. поэтому решили дождаться утра. на следующее утро мистер браун счастливо поехал за чернушкой. когда он вернулся домой с собакой. он сказал жене: "знаешь, дорогая, мне кажется чернушке не понравилось то место. она лаяла всю дорогу в машине, будто хотела сказать мне что-то" миссис брауногляделасобаку и затем ответила: "ты прав, дорогой.  она действительно пыталась сказать тебе что-то, но не то, что ей не понравилось то место. она только пыталась сказать, что ты взял не ту собаку. это не чернушка! "

1) in the class quite noisy 2) he did not have enough money to buy it 3) he knows all too well that person to believe him.4 ) today is not cold enough to skate 5) his father too high persons. 6) this is quite a good movie to watch it

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