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Составить любые предложения со словами portraits, watercolor,sculptor, sculptures,marble

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. он коллекционирует портреты своих родных и друзей - he collects portraits of his family and friends

2.   маленький мальчик нарисовал свой рисунок акварелью - the little boy painted his picture in watercolor

3.   скульптор соорудил скульптуру красивой девушки - sculptor sculpture built a beautiful girl

4.   мы были в музее различных скульптур - we were in the museum various sculptures

5.   он делает все скульптуры свои из белого мрамора - he does all his sculptures of white marble

1. did she return you the cd yesterday? – no, it (was being listened) to. 2. why didn’t you put that black shirt on? – it  ( was being washed). 3. why didn’t he hear the doorbell? – the carpet ( was being vacuumed). 4. did the teacher check your test yesterday? – no, it ( was being checked).5. did they find a solution to that problem? – no, it  ( was being discussed).

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