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Переведите текст text 1: the world we live in can be a dangerous one. some people need to have a bodyguard to protect them and their famillies. politicians in almost all countries are protected by bodyguard. president of all countries never go anywhere without their secret servicce agents. important business people or rock stars may also have bodyguard to protect them.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Текст 1: мы живем в мире, может быть опасной. некоторые люди должны иметь телохранителя, чтобы защитить их и от целых семей. политиков почти во всех странах находятся под защитой телохранителя. президент всех стран никогда не хожу никуда без своих тайных агентов servicce. важных деловых людей и рок-звезд также могут иметь телохранителей, чтобы защитить их .

first conditional

1 if you study hard, you will pass your exam

2 if you don't go home, you will have a big problems

3 if the weather is fine, we will go for a walk

second conditional

1 if you went to bed earlier you would not feel tired

2 if i had 2 million dollars, i`d give a lot to charity.

3 if people knew their future they would make less mistakes

third conditional

1 if i had paid more attention in class, i would have understood the lesson

2 if you had called me, i would have come.

3 if i had read that book, i would have known the answer

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