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Выручайте люди добрые, буду . выберите правильный глагол. 1) she watching tv at this moment. a) does, b) is, c) has, d) were. 2) we been discussing the new plan. a) has, b) are, c) have, d) did. 3) prices grown very quickly. a) are, b) will, c) does, d) have. 4) students can writing a test. a) be, b) are, c) have, d) do. 5) they could visited that show. a) were, b) did, c) be, d) have.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)   b) is,  2) c) have,  3) d) have. 4)   a) be, 5) d) have.

  i love cooking. every sunday me and my family cooks our special favorite  salad. the salad is called ''chicken salad''. firstly we cut the leaves of the salad on small pieces and put it in a big bowl. after that i cut cucumbers and tomatoes on small pieces and put it inside the bowl as well. after all i cut mushrooms and chicken on small slices and cook it. after everything is cooked i put it inside the bow

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