Exercise 8.4. open the brackets using the gerund: 1. the grass in the garden is very dry, it needs (water). 2. it's very warm outside. you don't need (put on) yourcoat. 3. the house is old, and it wants (repair). 4. famous people don't need (introduce) themselves. 5. the carpet is covered with dust, it needs (sweep). 6. the shoes are very dirty, they need (polish). 7. these shoes have a hole, they want (mend). 8. the table cloth is quite clean, it doesn't want (wash) yet. 9. the room needed (clean). 10. (learn) foreign languages is very useful. 12. i know my hair wants (cut) but i never have time to go to the hairdresser's. 13. john needed (cheer up) when he heard that he'd failed his exams. 14. you should tidy up the garden. — yes, it needs (tidy). the roses want (water), the peaches want (pick), the grass wants (cut).

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Ответы на вопрос:

1- watering, 2 - putting on, 3 - repairing, 4 - introducing, 5 - sweeping, 6 - polishing, 7 - mending, 8 - washing, 9 - cleaning, 10 - learning, 12 - (один пропущен) - cutting, 13 - cheering up, 14 - tidying, watering, picking, cutting.

The weather in russia is difficult.it is 9 mounth of winter's cool weather.the climate in russia is rather cold,but sometimes in the summer it's warm.the most cool part of russia is on the north. it is autumn now,and the summer's warm weather swoops to cool,multicolour weather.

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