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Поставить вопрос к выделенным членам предложения.(выделены капслоком) 1) we some friends to lunch every sunday. 2) my aunt comes to moscow very often. 3)she spent last summer in france. 4)simon always does his maths homework. 5)tim usually goes to school by taxi. 6)she will go to the cinema with us if she is free. 7)they will help us translate the text as it is too difficult. 8)she didn"t tell the truth yesterday , so i couldn't help her. 9)we shall go there as soon as he comes.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. when do we some friends lunch?

2/ where does my aunt come very often?

3. who spent last summer in france?

4. what does simon always do?

5. how doestim usually get to school?

6. where will she go with us if she is free?

7. why will they help us translate the text?

8. why couldn't i help her?

9. when shall we go?

1 overdraft 2 savings account 3 lend money/ give somebody a loan 4 bank charges/fees 5 current account 6 withdraw money 7 interest 8 bill 9 ATM or cashpoint 10 to get in debt


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