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It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant- говорят, что любовь слепа, а дружба ясновидящая.. вы согласны с этим утверждением? надо прокомментировать.

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Ответы на вопрос:

blind friendship (seldom, " coincidence of the relationship of understanding, trust and courage to defend and stand in sincerity,sense-rooted in life-lucky, " who at once : ) ,more often-"помыкание",speculation, sees everything and knows,and forgives is! " (not in spite of,but in the name of himself,for himself love the way you are with this человеком.кого love: )clearly need to see "eyes" the one you "blind" to believe those whom you know!

могут быть ошибки в тексте


I went to the party yesterday

I did my homework in the afternoon

My friend broke a vase at home

Her brother came at home in the evening


She is going to the park now(P.c.)

She goes to park after school(P.s.)

My mother is cooking in the kitchen (P.c.)

My mother cooks in the kitchen (P.s.)

His brother is eating now(P.c.)

His brother eats in his room(P.s.)

Her friend is drawing now(P.c.)

Her friend draws at home(P.s.)


P.s.= present simple

P.c.= present continues

На всякий случай сделала предложения в 2-х вариантах настоящего времени

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