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Make up 5 sentences with the phrasal verbs -take after, take down, look after, give up ,look for. язык

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ann really  takes after her mother. i think that this is really takedown! liza is  looking after her grandfather because he is ill. never give up! my father is looking for his book. 

1. общий вопрос

did i tell some of you last thursday about the principles of the time machine?

2. разделительный вопрос

i told some of you last thursday about the principles of the time machine, didn’t i?

3. специальный вопрос

what did i tell some of you last thursday about?

4. вопрос к подлежащему

who told some of you last thursday about the principles of the time machine?

5. альтернативный вопрос

did i tell some of you last thursday about the principles of the time machine or the internal combustion engine?  

Популярно: Английский язык