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Определите название формы по примерам will be coming have been reading understood should be considered were applauding will have been working has been called should have bought had been playing are answering will have helped were being built shall have been shown had won should be leaving will be invited had been reached would have been closed is being asked will appreciate would have been talking were sent

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Ответы на вопрос:

Will be coming  - future cont. active have been reading  - pres.perf.cont.active understood  - past ind. active should be considered - future-in-the-past ind. passivewere applauding - past cont.active will have been working - future perf.cont. active has been called - present perf.passive should have bought - future-in-the-past perf. activehad been playing - past perf.contin. active are answering - pres.contin. active will have helped - future perf. active were being built - past cont. passive shall have been shown - future perf. passive had won - past perf. active should be leaving - future-in-the-past cont. activewill be invited - future ind. passive had been reached - past perf. passive would have been closed - future-in-the-past perf. passive is being asked - pres.cont. passive will appreciate - future ind. active would have been talking - future-in-the-past perf.cont. activewere sent - past ind. passive

ответ:Написать ' smallest '.


По моему так.Сори если не правильно

Популярно: Английский язык