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Задай вопрос как показано в образце и ответь на него пользуюсь подсказкой.добавить указатель времени по своему усмотрению. образец: lera\watch tv - what does lera do on sundays? she watches tv. 1. children\watch 2.nanny shine\drive a 3.maya\write emails- 4.larry and lulu\play 5.your friends\play 6. your friend\pain 7.your mother and father\play 8.your sister\ play the 9.you\read a 10.your brother\play a game

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)  what do children do in the morning? -they watch cartoons. 2) what did nanny shine do yesterday? -she  drove a car. 3)  is maya writing emails? -yes, she is. 4) what will larry and lulu do tomorrow? -they will play games. 5)  what do  your friends    like doing? -they  like playing tennis. 6)  what does your friend  do? -he pains pictures 7)  what did mother and father do yesterday? -they played badminton. 8)  what will your sister do tomorrow? -she will play the piano. 9)  what do you do in summer? -i read a book. 10) what does your brother do in winter? -he plays a game.

Ну может быть, это совсем просто. например так. i'm ksenia and i live in kiev. i would like to tell you about my typical day. usually i wake up at 7 o'clock in the morning. i get ready for school - i take a shower, brush my teeth and have breakfast. then i take my dog rufus for a walk. after that i get dressed and go to schoold. normally i have 6 lessons a day. every day i have math, ukranian and english. english is my favourite subject, i really enjoy these lessons. after school i go home and have lunch. i also take rufus for a little walk. then i go to the gym. i am a sportsman, i play basketball. i have my trainings every school day. after that, i go home and have dinner with my parents. we discuss everything that happened during the day. then i do my homework. it usually takes me 2 hours. sometimes i watch tv or go on the internet after that. at 10 p.m. i go to bed. usually i read for about half an hour before i fall asleep.

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