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Составите предложение из данных слов last,who,the,must,person,leaves,roam,light,the,off,the,switch.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Last summer i was at sea. who took my phone? the weather is very good. you must wear this dress! a person descended from monkey. i gathered leaves for the herbarium. but he remained behind to roam over the islands in the lake. light lamps in my class is very poor. the largest country is russia. i need to turn off the lights. the smallest country is the vatican. on telefizor switch.

It was so good summer vacations! First of all, I met my friends and we were playing every day together. I saw many interesting places in my city and took photos. I cooked a lot at this vacations. My mom said, that I am good at cooking. To be honest, I didn't know that) I made many presents for my parents and they were so happy. I wanted to go to the sea, but there are a quatantine... Its really sad... Yes.. Summer is so fast and now I have to go to study again. But if I will be good at studying, my parents will give me ticket in Europe! So I am trying to be very good student!

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