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Составить диалог на языке на тему диета. нужно до вечера))

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

-ты следишь за своей фигурой? - конечно, я сижу на диете! - а что такое диета? -  диета- это когда человек употребляет в пищу правильную еду, а то есть- овощи, фрукты, крупы и т. д. - , теперь и я буду следить за фигурой таким способом! - do you follow your figure? - of course, i'm on a diet! - what is the diet? - dieta- is when a person eats the right food, and that is-vegetables, fruits, cereals and so on. d. - thank you, now i'm going to follow the figure in such a way!

There is nobody in the house.

There isn't anybody in the house.

We must bring nothing to the party.

We musn't bring anything to the party.

He's got nobody to play with.

He hasn't got anybody to play with.

They've got nothing to discuss.

They haven't got anything to discuss.

There is nothing in the lunch box.

There isn't anything in the lunch box.

Популярно: Английский язык