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Мы с родителями поехали на море. мама загорала,а я с папой купались. мы с мамой были в купальниках, а папа в плавках потом мы пошли смотреть горы было весело переведите но не через переводчик !

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Ответы на вопрос:

My mum was sunbathing , i with my dad went swimming. my mum and i were in swimming suits and my dad was in swimming trunks. after that, we went watching mountains.

complex object - сложное дополнение. существительное или местоимение плюс инфинитив без to.


1- i believe them be very good at physics and other pure sciences.

2- when he opened the window   he heard the birds be singing in the garden.

3- i heard his name be mentioned several times during the conversation.

4- i saw him open the door and leave the room.

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