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Listening to a radio programme you heard different people discussing the topic of friendship between teens you have decided to write a letter to the editor of the programme. in your letter • describe what kind of friend you prefer and why • say what can cause a friendship to go wrong • argue whether it is better to have a wide circle of friends or a few close friends.(слушание радиопрограммы, вы слышали разные люди тему дружбы между подростками вы решили написать письмо в редакцию программы. в своем письме • описать, какие другу вы предпочитаете и почему • сказать, что может к дружбе ошибиться • спорить о том, что лучше иметь широкий круг друзей или нескольких близких друзей)

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Ответы на вопрос:

Hello, i listened to  your radio programme and i want to write you about freindship between teens. i think that freindship in childhood , in teens time is very important for every person. so, as for me, i prefer a freind who can help me in hard time , who can talk to me when i sad and who can make me happier. i think that freind should be kind , not angry man.   in my opinion selfishness  can destroy friendship. if one of friends starts overestimating himself  and to forget about the friend that it will lead to quarrel. it's so bad.i consider that it is better to have a few  close circle of friends, it is better to have 2-3 friends who will be true friends, than to have 100 friends who will be too foreign for you.  so, every person should choice in freindship.  some people need a wide circle of friends and some people need a few close freinds.

He is asked at every lesson. this text was translated by my friend

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