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8. вставь many или much: a. peter can eat apples. b. miss chatter has got books. c. i would like to eat jam. d. you can see cheese in the white shop. 9. пронумеруй фразы в таком порядке , чтобы получился диалог джима и его гостя кролика мартина: -here you are. - no, thank you. - martin, would you like some cheese? - you are welcome! - thank you.

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1.many 2.many 3.much 4.much -martin, would you like some cheese? -no, thank you. -here you are. -thank you. -you are welcome! (скорее всего это два диалога).

Typical day of my friend: first he will have an alarm clock, and he gets out of bed and cleans his teeth. after he eats and goes to school and spends the rest of the day with me.

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